Dealing With A Crack Addict


  • Aug 10, 2017  Living with a crack addict and dealing with a crack addict can be more difficult even than many other drug addictions because of how erratic and frightening the person may be. First and foremost you need to make sure you are safe, and the rest of your family is safe. It is likely that dealing with a crack addict will include impulsive.
  • Surviving the Secret Childhood Trauma of a Parent's Drug Addiction As a young girl, Alana Levinson struggled with the shame of her father's substance abuse. But when she looked more deeply into the research on children of drug-addicted parents, she realized society's 'conspiracy of silence' was keeping her—and possibly millions of others.

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Categories: Featured Articles | Dealing with Others Using Drugs

In other languages:

Crack Addiction And Relationships

Español: lidiar con un familiar o un ser amado adicto a las drogas, Italiano: Affrontare il Problema della Tossicodipendenza di un Familiare o di una Persona Cara, Português: Lidar Com um Membro da Família ou Pessoa Amada Viciada em Drogas, Русский: справиться с наркотической зависимостью члена семьи или любимого человека, Français: gérer un proche dépendant de la drogue, Bahasa Indonesia: Menangani Kecanduan Narkoba pada Orang Terdekat, العربية: كيفية التعامل مع مدمن مخدرات في الأسرة, Deutsch: Mit einem drogensüchtigen Familienmitglied oder Nahestenden umgehen

Mind Of A Crack Addict

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